Tuesday, January 16, 2007

scared to dream

just a few days back i titled my post "dare to dream" today i'll call it scared to dream..what happens that we begin to dread our dreams ..is it the fear of failure that becomes so overwhelming or is it just a satisfaction with what life has to offer? is it about surrendering to reality or is it just a bargain we make...
life has so much to give, so many joys, so many smiles and yet we surround ourselves with the questions..we surround ourselves with solitude..is it all just a big conspiracy? or is it a puzzle we r all trying to fit in...as the sunsets i wonder what is more overcoming the beauty of the horizon, the hope that tomorrow life will smile again....or the darkness!!


Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Whole life is based of hope...so I think hope is that keeps u carrying all the time...

1:30 AM  
Blogger Ekta said...

hmmm..only and only if we had answers to all these questions...life wld be simpler!

7:31 AM  
Blogger Kuan Gung said...

It's misplaced imagination...there is, and always will be, only the now. We only yet have to learn how to live in the moment...

12:40 AM  

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