Sunday, August 07, 2005


after a long time my poem was selected at and i feel here it is ...its not a very great poem it was written in five minutes as a part of some free deal i was trying to get over the net and the last thing i expected was that it would get selected :
amidst strangers unknown,
not a corner my own,
wind being my friend,
and the sky my dream,
the stars my goal,
and joy my desire,
i discovered-i rediscovered,
the person i call -"me"
when i started the journey
all i had was my dream
it was my strength,
and my belief
that helped discover the real me,
endurance and perseverance,
just a vision was all i owned,
was it just an illusion i did not know..


Blogger Swetank Gupta said...

Hey Divya, nice thought... really nice thought... I mean it would be cliched to state it again but in this hurrakiri of life, we are forgetting ourselves... the first too lines are simply amazing... visited your blog after quite a time... 'twas a treat again, though u haven't been arnd too, it seems... anyways, congratulation galore for ur success... may u write many more poems or rather do whatever keeps u happy... cheers

1:26 PM  

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