for my friend
the tear in your eye breaks my heart.. i want to resolve every problem that brushes by you and yet i know i can only stand beside you as you find your way. together we have walked the streets and the stores, we have put in i.v lines in fighting children and taken histories at 2 a.m in the morning. Remember that first night we worked together - i was a lost intern not knowing what my existence really meant, mummy was in the hospital and you talked me through the night. the million times you ran out from the PICU to give me guidance on the floor or when you bought me orange juice cause you knew i would have skipped lunch. always the one with the right diagnoses, the one who had time to show you how, the one who knew every child personally- you have been the best. we have lived so many special times together - the walks in bayridge, bargain hunting, bear mountain, watching chick flicks, the tree at Rockefeller, Mary Poppins..the list is endless!
2 Mochas...! my friend I just want you to know that I have faith in you and even though you don't see it at this moment- "you are a great person!"
quoting from a poem i read a long time back and can't remember who wrote it
" and since i have no gold to give, and love alone can make ammends my only wish is -God make me worthy of my friends"
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