Tuesday, November 29, 2005

allah ke bande hansde jo bhi ho kal phir aayega..keep smiling
life moves on from moment to moment enriching us with experiences and teaching us newer lessons ..find a reason to smile..finde a reason to fly

Thursday, November 24, 2005


i have always taken pride in the fact that i am indian n whatever the world may say i still love my country ..i still look forward to delhi ...there are small things that one misses...
a stranger in a new world but one with a smile on her face,one with a desire to discover..

Sunday, November 20, 2005

fear or faith

fear knocked-faith answered;nobody was there...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

a lovely quote

Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow." --The Talmud

Sunday, November 13, 2005

my score

a few months back i wrote a post titled things i wish to do before i am 25...lets see how well did i do?
1.start working-passed
2.rent a little house n make it a home-passed
3.learn to control my temper.......hmm...still have a long way to go...
4.write more often n complain less often...-can't say...
5.learn to remeber jokes-"FAILED"
6.Win a game of squash...i am playing n i think thats quite good...
7.stop procastinating-" it'll take a 100 years
9.read the new harry potter-passed
keep in touch with my friends-passed
gift a few smiles-can't say
not gain weight-passsed
learn more n give up less often-in progress..